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Centre of African Studies Library


Print journals 

We receive 10 current periodical titles, with further runs of older titles available to order from our closed store. 

Please see the full list below to help you find print journals in the African Studies Library

The titles of journals to which we have a current print subscription are asterisked on the list. The latest issue of each can be found on the journal racks in alphabetical order. Lift and push back the shelves for previous issues. Older issues are stored as below:

BOUND: bound journals of currently received journal titles can be found on the shelves in the Library, next to the journals racks

ARCHIVE: this refers to items in the Library's Archive Store. Please ask Library staff for help

All other journals we hold and do not currently subscribe to (including very limited runs) are also listed. In cases of very long runs, a journal may be stored in more than one location (the oldest being moved to the Archive Store) but this is also noted on the list.

Further information

Use the iDiscover catalogue to find out the following information for specific journal titles:

  • electronic access details
  • holdings details 
  • year ranges 

Access the African Studies LibGuide for information on how to find journals and articles on Africa for your research.

For more general information on journals and eresources (without an Africa focus) please see the eresources & ejournals LibGuide.




Locations Classmark



Actualité Scientifique (formerly Fiches...)

Archive 500.01.5
Adulis Archive (635): 301.152
Africa Bound (6): J1
Africa Analysis Bound (6): 320
Africa Bibliography Bibliography  shelf (6):01
Africa-Asia Confidential Bound  (6): 32 (5)
*Africa Confidential Bound (6): J2
Africa Development   (6): 338
Africa in Soviet Studies  Archive (6): 327
Africa Insight Bound (6): 320
Africa Institute International Bulletin Archive (68.01)
Africa News Archive (6): J11
Africa Recovery (becomes Africa Renewal) Archive (6): 361.95
Africa Renewal (was Africa Recovery)   (6): 361.95
*Africa Report  Bound (6): J39
Africa South Archive (68)
Africa Today 



(6): J6
Africa Today Magazine



(6): J7
Africa Week Archive (6): J39
*African Affairs Bound (6): J8
*African Arts Bound (6): 700
African Book Publishing Record Archive (6): 01
*African Business Bound (6): 380
African Comment (formerly African Opinion) Archive (6): J10
African Communist Archive (6): J12
African Develelopment Bank Archive (6): 330.1
African Development (becomes New African Development) Archive (6): 330.1
African Development Report Archive (6): 330.1
African Development Review



(6): 330.1
African Digest Archive (6): J3
African Events Archive (6): J4
African Forum Archive (6): J13
African Geopolitics (publication delayed)



(6): 327
African Human Rights Law Journal ( online only since 2012) Bound (6): 343.412
African Human Rights Newsletter Archive (6): 342.7
African Issues (was Issue) Archive (6): J25
African Journal of Aids Research Bound (6): 618.98
African Journal of Conflict Resolution Bound (6): 341.38
African Journal of International Affairs   (6): 327
African Jnl of International  and Comparative Law



Online only from 2008

African Journal of Political Science Bound (6): 320
African Notes  Archive (669)
African Opinion (becomes African Comment) Archive (6): J9
African Perspectives (becomes Kroniek van Afrika) Archive (6): J28
African Philosophy Archive (6): 100
African Population Paper Archive (6): 312
African Religious Research Archive (6): 200
*African Research & Documentation Archive (6): 061
African Research Bulletin Archive (664): (091)
African Review Archive (6): J15
African Rural & Urban Studies Archive (6): 308
African Social Research Archive (689.4): 300
African Socio-Economic Indicators Archive (6): 330.310
African Sociological Review Bound (6): 316
African Soils Archive (6): 631.4
African Studies (S Africa)- was Bantu studies( pre 1943) Archive (6): J42
African Studies Bulletin Archive (6) : J16
African Studies Review Bound (6) : J17
African Studies Review & Newsletter Archive (6): 061.6
African Studies Review (Cairo) Archive  (9):908
African Study Monographs Bound (6): J18
African Urban Notes Archive (6): 308
African Urban Studies Bound (6): 308
Africana Bulletin  Archive (6): J14
Africana Newsletter becomes African Studies Bulletin Archive (6): J19
Afrika Zamani Archive (6): 94
Afrique 2000 Archive (6): J21
Afrique Agriculture Archive (6): 630
Afrique Contemporaine Archive (6): J20
Afrique et Francophonie Archive (6):671.1



(6): 396
Agriculture and Rural Development Archive 631.635
Alfred and Winifried Hoernle Memorial Lectures Archive (68.01): 323.12
Annales Aequatoria Archive (675)
Annales Africaines Archive (6): 330
Annals of the Naprstek Museum Archive (689.1)
Annual Report of the East Africa High Commission Archive (676)
ANNUAL REPORTS Archive (6): 332.1
Anthropologica Archive 390
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa  Archive (6): 332.1
ASA (African Studies Assoc. US) Conferences Archive (6): 300
ASA News Archive (6): 061.5
ASAUK   Conferences Archive (6): J22
ASPJ - Africa and Francophonie Archive (6): (671.11)
Australasian Review  of African  Studies Archive (6): 061.6
Azania Archive (67): 571



Bantu Studies ( 1 )  becomes African studies ( S.A.)

Archive  (6):J42
Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter Archive (6): 655.4
Botswana Notes and Records Archive (681)
Bulletin – Afrika Instituut Archive (6): 308
Bulletin - IDS (becomes IDS bulletin) Archive 330.11
Bulletin de l’Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noir Archive (6): 300
Bulletin of African Studies in Canada  Archive (6): J24
Bulletin of Tanzanian Affairs Archive (678)
Business and Economy of Central and East Africa Archive (676): 338




Archive (6): 350
Cahier d’Études Africaines Archive (6): J23
Cahiers Congolais Archive (675)
Cahiers Economiques et Sociaux Archive (675.3)
Canadian Journal of African Studies Bound (6): J24
Central African Examiner Archive (689)
Central Bank of Nigeria – Economic and Financial Review Archive (669): 331.110
Centre for Democracy Working Papers  Archive (6): 321.7
Centre for the Study of African Economies Archive (6): 338
Choices Archive 330.11
Clarion Call Archive (68.01)
CODESRIA Bulletin Archive (6): 300
Commonwealth Journal Archive 327
Community Development Bulletin - was Mass Education B. Archive (6): 370
*Conflict Trends  Bound (6): 333

Cultural Events in Africa



 (6): 008
Development Dialogue Archive 330.11
Development Southern Africa Archive (68): 332.3

Droit et Cultures

Archive 340


East Africa Bound (676): 058
East Africa and Rhodesia Archive (67)
East Africa Journal Archive (676)
East African Economic and Statistical Bulletin Archive (676): 31
East African Report on Trade and Industry Archive (676): 38
Eastern Africa Economic Review Archive (676): 330
Eastern African Social Science Research Review Archive (6): 300
Echo Newsletter of the Association of African Women Archive (6): 396
Economic and Statistical Review Archive (676): 31
Economic Bulletin of Ghana Archive (667): 330
EIU Country Report: Kenya Archive (676.2): 338
Ethiopia Archive (63)
Etudes Congolaises Archive (675)
Eye on Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa Archive (63)
Facts and Reports Archive (68): 070
Fast Facts Archive (68.01): 328.12
Feeding the Future  Archive (6): 613.2
Fiches d'Actualitié Scientifique Archive 500.001.5
Finance & Development Archive 332.12
Foreign Trade Statistics for Africa Archive (6): 382.30
Gabon  Archive (672.1)
Gecamines Annual Report Archive (675): 622
Geneve Afrique Archive (6): J26
Ghana Bulletin of Agricultural Economics Archive (667): 338.922
Ghana Farmer Archive (667): 631
Ghana Journal of Sociology Archive (667): 301
Ghana Review International  Archive (667): 325
Ghana Today Archive (667)



 (6): 631.004
History in Africa Archive (6): 091
Horizon Archive (689.4): 061.5
Horn of Africa Bulletin Online only from 2007 63/67
Human Rights Watch Archive (6): 342.7


Ibadan Archive (669)
Identity Culture and Politics   (6): 316.722
IDS Bulletin Bound 330.11
IFPRI Forum Archive 351.772.2
IIED Dryland Networks Programme Archive (6): 551.45
IK Notes  Archive 390
ILRI Working papers Archive (6): 636
Indicator South Africa Archive (68.01): 308
Institute of Social Studies: Development Issues  Archive 330.11
Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin Archive (6): 331
Inter-African Bureau for Soils – Monthly Analytical Bulletin Archive (6): 631.4
International Affairs Archive 327
International African Bibliography Bibliography shelves (6): 01
International Water Management Institute: Abstract Archive 631.6
Issue  Archive (6): J25
Issue (becomes African Issues) Archive (6): J25
Jassa  Archive (689.1): 600
*Jeune Afrique Archive (6): J27
Jnl of African Administration Archive (6): 352
Journal of African Society (becomes African Affairs) Archive (6): J8
Journal of African Media Studies Archive (6):37.016:316.744
Journal of African Political Science Archive (6): 320
Journal of Human Rights Law and Practice Archive (669): 342.7
Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria Archive (669): 091)
Journal of African Cultural Studies



(6): 008
Journal of African History Bound (6): 94
Journal of African Law Archive (6): 34
Journal of Applied Science in South Africa Archive (689.1): 600
Journal of Eastern African Research and Development Archive (676): 330.11
Journal of Ethiopian Studies  Archive (63)
Journal of Humanities Archive (689.7)
Journal of Local Administration Overseas Archive 352
*Journal of Modern African Studies Bound  (6): 320
Journal of Social Development in Africa Bound (6): 308
Journal of Southern African Studies Bound (68)
Journal of the African Society Bound (6) (091)
Journal of W.A.I.F.O.R. Archive (66): 634
Kano Studies  Archive (669)
Kenya Journal of Education Archive (676.2): 370
Kenya Statistical Digest Archive (676.2): 31
Kenya Trade and Supplies Bulletin Archive (676.2) (091)
Kroniek Von Afrika Archive  


L’industrie Africaine Archive (6): 338
La Zone Franc Archive (6): 338
Labour Capital and Society Bound (6): 331.024 (091) 
Lagos Notes and Records Archive (669)
Land and Rural Digest Archive (68.01): 333
Laws of Sierra Leone Bound (664.340)
Legon Observer Archive (667): 32
*Liberian Studies Journal Archive (666)
Libyan News  Archive (612)
Libyan Press Review Archive (612)
Lincoln Letters Archive (68.01): (055)
Maji-Maji Archive (678)
Malawi Law Journal Archive (689.7).34
Managing Africa’s Soils Archive (6): 631.4
Manpower & Employment Research in Africa Archive (6): 331.024
Mass Education Bulletin (becomes Community Development Bulletin) Archive (6):370
Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture Archive (698.2): 63
Mawazo Archive (676.1)
Mayibuye (Journal of the African National Congress) Archive (68.01): 320
Mements de l’economie Africaine Archive (6): 330
Monthly Accounts Relating to External Trade Archive (667): 382.31
Mwana Shaba Archive (675)


*N.E African Studies  Archive (6): J30
Natural Resource Perspective Archive 504.062
New African Archive (6): 330.1
New Agenda  Archive (68.01): 330.11
New Outlook  Archive (620)
New South Africa Archive (68.01)
News Africa Archive (6): J29



Online only  since 2007




Nigeria Today Archive (669)
Nigerian Bulletin of International Affairs Archive (669): 327
Nigerian Bulletin on Foreign Affairs  Archive (669): 327
Nigerian Field  Archive (669): 634.614
Nigerian Journal of International Affairs Archive (669)
Nigerian Journal of Public Affairs Archive (669): 350
Nigerian Opinion Archive (669): 32
*Nilo-Ethiopian Studies  Archive (630):908
Nordic Peoples  Archive  
Nordic Journal of African Studies  Archive (6): J31
Northeast African Studies Bound (6): J30
Notes d’Information et Statistiques  Archive (66): 332.1
Notes d’Informations Statistiques (Banque Centrale des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest) Archive (66). 332.1
NUL Journal of Research   (686.1)
ODI Irrigation Management Network Archive (6): 631.6
ODI Pastoral Network Papers Archive (6): 397.7
OSSREA Newsletter Archive (6): 300
Pan-Africanist Archive (6): J32
Penant Archive (6): 340
Philosophia Africana  Archive (6): 100
PLA Notes Archive 330.11
*Politique Africaine



(6): 320
Poverty and Development in Southern Africa Bound (68.01): 339.12
Presence Africaine Archive (6): 008
Quarterly Bulletin of the South African Library Archive (68.01): 027
Quarterly Economic and Statistical Bulletin Archive (676): 31
Quest Archive (6): 100


Race Archive 323.1
Race Today Archive 323.1
Remarques Archive (6): J33
Report from South Africa Archive (68.01)
Reporter Archive (676)
Research Bulletin Archive (669): 091)
Research for Development Archive (669): 330.11
Research Review Supplement Archive (667): (091)
Review of African Political Economy Bound (6): 330
Rhodes-Livingstone Journal  Archive (6): J39
Rhodes-Livingstone Papers Archive (6): J 41
Round Table Archive 327: (41-44)
Rural Africana Archive (6): 338.922
S.A. Journal of Labour Relations Archive (68.01): 331.16
Sadex Archive (6): J34
SAJ of African Affairs Archive (68): 390
Savanna  Archive (669): 308
Sciences au Sud Archive 500.001.5
Sechaba Archive (68.01): 320
Social Dynamics



(68.01): 308
Society of Malawi Journal Archive (689.7)
South Africa Bound (68.01): 050
South Africa International Archive (68.01): 327
South Africa Survey Bound (68.01): 323.1
South African Digest Archive (68.01)
South African International Archive (68.01)
Southscan Archive (68)
St. Petersburg Jnl. of African Studies  Archive (6): J35
Statistical and Economic Review Archive (6): 061.5
Sudan News Archive (624)
Sudan Notes and Records Archive (624)
Sudanic Africa - A Journal of Historical Sources Replaced in 2010 by online Islamic Africa (6): 920.3
Survey of Social Conditions in Africa Archive (6): 338
Systemes de Pensées en Afriques Noire Archive (6): 390


Tanganyika  Notes and Records Archive (678.2)
Tanzania Notes and Records Archive (678)
Tarikh Archive (669): (091)
The Conch Bound (6): 820
The Courier  Archive  (6): 341.232.2
The Nigerian Field Bound (669)
The Northern Rhodesian Journal Archive (689.4)
The Uganda Journal Bound  (676.1)
Tiempo: Global warming and the Third World Archive 551.58
Trade Reports Archive (667): 382
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana  Archive (667): (091)
Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa



(68): 308
Transition  Archive (6): J36
Ufahamu - A Journal of African Studies Bound (6): J37
Utafiti Archive (678)
ULPA Mission Archives Archive (6): 266
UMMA Formerly Darlite Archive (678): 82
Universitas Archive (667): 338
*Universo   (673)
Venture (& Third World Incorporating Venture) Archive 335
Voices from Africa Archive (6): J38
Weekly Review Bound (676.2) : 070
Weekly Review Archive (676.2)
West Africa



West African Press Survey Archive (6): 390
Wits Epu Quarterly Review of Education and Training in South Africa Archive (68.01): 370
Zambezia Archive (68.01): 331
Zambia Archive (689.4)